He is interested in deep learning and its application for computer vision. He is now working on
image/video inpainting and image synthesis.
He has previous research experience in image/video segmentation, detection and instance
STransGAN: An Empirical Study on Transformer in GANs
Rui Xu,
Xiangyu Xu,
Kai Chen,
Bolei Zhou,
Chen Change Loy
Technical Report.
[PDF], [Project Page]
In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive empirical study to investigate the intrinsic properties of Transformer in GAN for high-fidelity image synthesis.
Our analysis highlights the importance of feature locality in image generation.
We also examine the influence of residual connections in self-attention layers and propose a novel way to reduce their negative impacts on learning discriminators and conditional generators.
Positional Encoding as Spatial Inductive Bias in GANs
Rui Xu,
Xintao Wang,
Kai Chen,
Bolei Zhou,
Chen Change Loy
CVPR, 2021
[PDF], [Project Page], [Code]
We investigate the phenomenon of implicit poistional encoding serving as spatial inductive bias in
current GANs. Based on explicit positional encoding, we provide a novel
training strategy, named MS-PIE, to train a single multi-scale GAN model.
CARAFE: Content-Aware ReAssembly of FEatures
Jiaqi Wang,
Kai Chen,
Rui Xu,
Ziwei Liu,
Chen Change Loy,
Dahua Lin
ICCV, 2019, (Oral)
We have presented Content-Aware ReAssembly of FEatures (CARAFE), a universal, lightweight and
highly effective upsampling operator. It consistently boosts the performances on standard benchmarks
in object detection, instance/semantic segmentation and inpainting.